viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

How amazing the new "Social Networks" are?

Social networks are websites that allow people to connect with friends and even make new friends , virtually, and share content , interact, create communities of similar interests : work, readings , games , friendship, love relationships , relationships commercial , etc.
Actual Social Networks

In social networking sites it is promoted above all the ability to interact with others , but not known personally . The system is open and dynamic and is built so that each subscriber to the network provides . Each new member brings entering the group itself and transforms .

Its boom has produced no more than five years , partly thanks to the advancement of Internet connections and the increase in the number of people with access to a computer . Instagram, Snapchat , Facebook , Twitter are the most popular social networks.

In this day we are going to introduce you to the most known social newtworks actually.


Facebook is probably the most powerful social network in the world. Basically you can do anything, actually you can send messages, with messenger, you can share photos, videos and games with your friends around the world. It's also available in phones, computers, and any gadget that has internet connection.


Users can follow different accounts from people around the world. You can say a lot only with 140 characters, Isn't that amazing? You can also follow your favorite stars. No doubt that the little bird's site is one of the most popular sites right now. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 60 years, you can use it, it's easy and of course IT'S FREE.
Maybe one of the favorites of the people who loves or enjoys all about photos. Instagram allows share photos and videos too. You can edit your photos with the filters that instagram offers you.


In this year, this app has had it's boom. It has become in the favorite of the teens. With its filters, you can take funny pictures and send it to your friends in the moment, also you can recover videos. 

Social netwroks are tools that helps us to conect with people around the world.

Created by students of IPN

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